Rehabilitation Massage
and Stretching
K9 Rehab Wellness Centre is pleased to offer small animal rehabilitation stretching and massage therapy. Our rehabilitation qualified massage therapist works in a caring gentle nature to ensure your pet feels comfortable and safe. As a highly educated individual with certification in Small Animal Rehabilitation Massage Therapy (SARMT) from the North West School of Animal Massage in Washington State we work with clients to identify restrictions in mobility and range of motion and then create a plan to maximize mobility while reducing painful conditions.
Small animal massage and stretching has a variety of applications, from reducing tension and pain from injuries to helping to prevent injuries in canine sport athletes which will prolong your dog’s career. We also help reduce inflammation in chronic geriatric dogs with myofascial release and stretching. Working with the pet owners with guided “homework” massaging that can be done in between visits at home is important as we work as a team to try to give each pet the best quality of life possible and that includes a little help from everyone.